NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW - WPlay with 'Extended Texture Support' - ETS --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a textfile containing information of how to create textures for WPlay. To make changes to the system(fonts,color,button positions etc) see the PREFS-file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete texture is saved in a number of bitmaps: (if you skip a file, the default picture will be used) Main.bmp - The WPlay mainmenu. Programsize is specified in the Prefs-file. MainMask.bmp - A mask to create transparent bitmaps. This is a 2-color image. If you dont draw this image, WPlay will not use a mask. Selected.bmp - Picture with all buttons in selected state. Parts of this image will be copied to the mainpicture on mouseevent. PLMain.bmp - The WPlay playlistmenu. Size 378x90 PLSelected.bmp - A copy of playlistmenu with all buttons in selected state. To save some space, this picture is copied from position 0,54 and to end coordinates. (just the part with the buttons on) Status.bmp - This file contains the play,stop,pause and positionviewer- pictures. The total size is 38x13. Play,stop and pause size is 11x13 and the positionviewer is 5x5. ScrollUp.bmp - The Scrollpicture in position UP. Size is specified in Prefs-file. ScrollDown.bmp - The Scrollpicture in position DOWN. Size is specified in prefs-file. VolUp.bmp - The Volume and Balance Picture is position UP. Size is specified in the Prefs-file. VolDown.bmp - The Volume and Balance Picture is position Down. Size is specified in the Prefs-file. CPMain - Compressed mode main menu. Size 247x28 CPSelected - All buttons on the compressed menu in selected state. Same size as CPMain. 247x28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is default values (It is not 100% reliable to use 0=default) : Button positions and sizes: Play - 16,114 43x25 Stop - 66,114 43x25 Pause - 116,114 43x25 Previous- 34,152 20x14 REW - 61,152 20x14 FFW - 91,152 20x14 Next - 118,152 20x14 Open - 185,118 17x17 Playlist- 206,118 17x17 Minimize- 185,139 17x17 Info - 206,139 17x17 Compress- 212,6 14x14 Exit - 226,6 14x14 Menu - 6,6 14x14 Playlist File - 13,56 40x24 Add - 63,56 40x24 Delete - 113,56 40x24 Play - 163,56 40x24 Up - 213,56 40x24 Down - 263,56 40x24 Exit - 346,56 22x24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next you have to change the PREFS-file if you want different options than the default. You can change Fonts,fontsize,fontposition, colors, button positions and button sizes etc. See the PREFS file for more help. If you have questions, or if you create a great Texture, please mail it to me. # Thomas Lenart #